Features Slider

iphone Slider
  • App Slide
  • App Slide
  • App Slide
  • App Slide
  • With location based services hosts can reach patrons when they arrive.

    The iQ-Gaming Eco-System supports multiple ways to track your fans. Hotel check-in, point-of-sale purchases, or even locations based tracking for those using mobile apps.

  • A campaign is just a click away for registered users as hosts can choose a custom campaign at anytime. Once initiated they can track the responses.

    Hosts can access and manage the patron to see what campaigns have been sent and what was used and initiate an new campaign if desired. Also,  a host may choose to be alerted of patron activity.

  • Still print?

    Print reports and share reports with others.

  • Follow patrons in social media tweets and see what they are saying and who’s following.

    With an easy to use web based interface you can  follow any hashtag or keyword  in the social media tweet world to see what is being said and who’s following, listening or re-tweeting with a clear analytical dashboard.

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